Whether you’re just starting out as a teacher of adults, a trainer or a lecturer, or whether you’ve been doing it for a while and feel the need for some input to refine your approach and refresh your enthusiasm, here is the ebook for you.

Whether you work in a corporate setting, at a university or college, at a specialist school or institute or peripatetically, whether you’re employed or self-employed, full-time, part-time or ad hoc, if your job involves teaching adults in any capacity, this ebook will help you to do it more effectively.

Guide to Teaching and Training Adults

22 Top Tips is a practical guide to the nuts and bolts of teaching and training adults. It’s also a reflection on what makes an effective teacher, trainer or lecturer and how we can all learn to give our students and trainees what they need, rather than what we think they should have. It contains the lessons I’ve learnt, mostly the hard way, over 25 years or so as a teacher and trainer.

With roughly 24 (A4) pages of text, this ebook is concise and won’t take you long to read. Yet it’s packed with information and ideas that will support and sustain you in what can be a stressful job. It covers:

  • practicalities of course content and the teaching environment
  • how to speak with impact, engage your students and deliver training they will remember and find useful
  • how to establish a mutually respectful, productive relationship with your trainees
  • how to avoid pitfalls and cope with any problems that do arise
  • psychological techniques to give you confidence and make your teaching more effective

Don’t settle for going through the motions. Inspire and empower your students to reach their goals.

book-cover-newThe ebook is divided into three main sections:

Planning and Preparation – 6 top tips to set you up for success

Attitude – 8 top tips to help you to overcome any fears or blockages, to deal with any difficulties and to be the very best teacher, trainer or lecturer you can be

Delivery – 6 top tips to make sure you’re really communicating with your students or trainees

The further two top tips relate to participant feedback and your ongoing development.

22 Top Tips is a snip at £2.95.

How to download your copy

It’s very easy! Click on the Buy Now button below and follow the straightforward instructions. You can be reading 22 Top Tips in less than five minutes from now.

Twenty-two top tips to make your teaching more effective, less stressful, more rewarding… for the price of a cup of coffee. What are you waiting for?
